Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week 2 Blog Reflection

There was alot of things to do this week. First, let me talk about the three school leaders. Each one had realistic ideas and from those ideas can create other research action plans. I like the analogy that Dr. Chargois says he describes learning to a growing tree. Learning never stop no matter your education. I learned our job as administrator is to not settle and not to be ok with average.
After reading chapter 2 and completing each of the nine area of wondering. I learned all the areas of questioning and resolving through different action research plans. I don't have lots of experience in leadership so my mind is opening to all the areas . I really didn't realize exactly what goes into being an administrator.  I learned that action research plan affect students, teachers, custodians, and administrators. I realized that some of my staff development are what Dana says as "sit and get" or "spray and pray". This is so true. I can remember tons of professional development where I left with little to use. Action research gives us the opportunity to explore what is important to us and be involved to the action research plan.  I'm a mom/teacher, I'm always looking for ways to improve in school and home life. We also have action research plans we follow and create. It may not be as formal, but it is still unique to our needs.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Educational leaders might use blogs

Educational leaders can benefit from using blogs as a way to communicate with teachers. The educational leader can post a question and the teachers can recommend or suggest their ideas. A blog creates an immediate on-going discussion related to a specific topic. An educational leader can also communicate with other educational leaders to bounce back ideas. These leaders can be from the same city to maybe a different state. An educational leader might use the blog as a personal journal to reflect back on. I’m not familiar with blogging, but I am willing to give it a try.

What I learned about Action Research

As I finished my reading assignment, I really started analyzing and thinking about what problem or issue that I could create an action research study. In public schools there are many problems or issues that need improvement. I learned that action research promotes collaboration, communication and analysis common problems or concerns in a school. Educators identify a problem, research, use data collection and analysis, report results, reflect, find a solution and implement action to improve the problem or situation. I learned that being a leader in a school setting is hard when it come to action research because of time. I learned that I need to make time in my busy schedule to make improvement where there is a need. I learned that as an administrator time must be of an essence in order to inquiry and reflect on a problem that needs improvement or change to reflect the school in a positive manner and continue to have a shared common vision of that school or classroom. The issue that stays in my mind is the students who are moving up in grade levels and have gaps in their foundation (education). Each year the gap gets bigger and the following year teacher is trying to teach and play caught up at the same time. What can be done for those students to completely close the gap not just try to fill it? Another issue can be classroom management. Classroom management can play a big role on learning in the classroom. I know this coming school year our focus will be reading since our campus didn’t make AYP. Maybe my action plan will be a reading component.